Sunday, September 27, 2009

First 5 Days of WRITE: 100

Proud of myself for keeping up with the new challenge, albeit for only the first five days so far. But they've been busy days, with some wobbly parts to them. Would have been oh-so-easy to flail my hands and skip a day, or two, or twelve.

But I didn't.

I'm not at all sure what, if any, of the daily writing I will post here. Once writing is shared on the internet, it is considered published. Don't want to do that, if seeds of The Great American Novel are surfacing!!!

But I want to share SOMEthing . . . so, here are my prompt lines and the output:

Day 1: "they haven't made the separation between speech and"--158 words of fiction

Day 2: "for having leapt into a swimsuit to swim in warm ocean"--349 words of non-fiction

Day 3: "actually becoming a Jew, I must learn to speak phonetic"--188 words of fiction

Day 4: "must not do it. He is too small. He has a lifetime of adventures"--325 words of fiction

Day 5: "what it felt like when I was hungry. It was so strange. I was once"--116 words of poetry.

If anyone else is joining this Last 100 Days of 2009 challenge, I'd love to hear some of what you are doing.


Amanda Fall - Sprout editor said...

Love that picture...sometimes our journeys can feel as topsy-turvy as that, but at least we're on our way.

Lauren said...

Love the premise for this writing challenge... I would love to commit to doing something similar, but I know my limits, and I don't think right now I could handle coming up short on this commitment. Even if the only one i'm failing is myself, it's not something I think i could deal with very well.

Hope the challenge is providing some good creative release for you! And hope you are well.